Not Your Parents Religion

#121 Guided Meditation: Overcoming Fear with God's Word!

Pastor Robert Young Season 3 Episode 121

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Imagine a world where fear no longer controls your life, where the power of God's word is your shield and strength. That's exactly what we'll explore in our latest session, as we guide you through meditative breathing techniques accompanied by the comforting verses of 2 Timothy 1:7 and Psalm 27:1. This episode is a sanctuary for anyone looking to cast aside their deepest fears and embrace the peace that comes with unwavering faith in God's promise. Through scripture and visualization, we offer a path to tranquility by showing how to counter fear with a sound mind and the love that is our divine right as God's cherished children.

As your hosts, we share not just methods, but our own experiences of transformation, walking alongside you as you reclaim your spirit of power and love. Together, we'll visualize a journey marked by trust and God's ever-present guidance, a journey where anxiety and doubt are replaced with the assurance of being fearfully and wonderfully made. This conversation aims to uplift and imbue you with the confidence that God is in control, ready to bestow good things upon you. So, let's affirm our faith, surrender our fears, and step into the freedom and peace that awaits us. Amen.

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Pastor Robert Young:

As you settle into a comfortable position, take a deep breath in for a count of five. Hold the breath for a count of five and exhale slowly for the count of six. Allow any tension in your body to fade away as you prepare to meditate on overcoming fears with the help of God's word. Scripture tells us in 2 Timothy 1 and 7,. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Remember that fear is not from God, but rather from the enemy, who seeks to keep us bound and stagnant in our spiritual growth and in our faith. As you breathe in deeply, envision yourself releasing any fear or anxiety that may be weighing you down. With each exhale, imagine God's love and power filling you, strengthening you to face your fears head on.

Pastor Robert Young:

In Psalm 27:1, the Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid? Know that God is your protector and your source of strength and he will never leave you nor forsake you in your time of need.

Pastor Robert Young:

As you continue to meditate, visualize yourself walking in faith and trust, knowing that God is with you every step of the way. Let go of any doubts or worries and embrace the peace and assurance that comes from knowing that you are fearfully and wonderfully made by a loving and powerful God. Remember, no matter what happens now or in the future, God is in control of everything that happens. You are his child and he takes care of his children. Matthew 7 and 11 tells us that God is ready to give good things to his children when they ask. As you come out of this meditation, carry with you the strength and confidence that comes from knowing that God is in charge of this world and he is always by your side to help you overcome your fears. Trust in him, lean on his promises and walk in the freedom and peace that comes from surrendering your fears to him. Amen.