Not Your Parents Religion

#125 Guided Meditation: Walking Meditation

Pastor Robert Young Season 3 Episode 125

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Embark on a transformative journey that merges the tranquility of nature with the profound wisdom of scripture. This episode reveals how walking meditation can become a conduit for tuning in to God's voice, offering you a promise of peace and clarity amidst life's chaos. As we stride through the beauty of creation, I guide you through a spiritual practice that encourages communion with the divine, drawing from the powerful words of Psalms and Proverbs. This isn't just a walk in the park; it's a step towards aligning your path with a higher purpose, shedding the burdens that weigh heavily on your soul.

Throughout our shared stroll, practical tips unfold on how to craft these moments of reflection into your daily routine. As your host, I walk beside you, inviting God to guide our steps and influence our intentions. Together we explore the significance of committing our actions to the Lord and how this simple act can establish our plans for the week ahead. By the end of our walk, you'll carry with you not only the serenity of God's presence but also the wisdom to navigate the days to come. Join me in this sacred time, and let's embrace the grace that comes from walking in faith. Amen, and thank you for allowing me to accompany you on this journey.

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Pastor Robert Young:

Our objective today is to condition ourselves to hear from God while meditating in the outside world. Find a local park in your area where you can walk without distractions. Take a few moments to center yourself and prepare for this intentional time of reflection and communion with God by taking in a deep breath for a count of five, hold the breath for a count of four and exhale the breath for a count of six. As you begin to walk, focus on each step you take. Pay attention to your surroundings, the birds chirping the foliage, the fresh air and the overall beauty of God's creation. Walk slowly and deliberately, allowing yourself to fully experience each moment. Begin to reflect on Psalms, chapter 1, verse 1 through 2, that says, blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take, or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord and who meditates on his law day and night. As you walk, invite God to join you on this journey. Reflect on the ways in which you can align your steps with His will and His ways. Consider the path that he has set before you and seek His guidance and direction as you move forward.

Pastor Robert Young:

Remember Psalms 32 and 8. I instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will counsel you with my loving eye on you with each step you take. Let go of any worries or distractions that may be weighing you down. Allow God to renew your mind and refresh your spirit as you walk in his presence. Embrace the peace and stillness that come from walking in faith and trust. Proverbs 16, verse 3, says commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. As you come to the end of your walk, take a moment to thank God for the time you have spent in his presence. Carry the peace and wisdom you have received with you as you continue your journey throughout this upcoming week. May this walking meditation bring you closer to God and His will for your life. Amen.