Not Your Parents Religion

#137 Guided Meditation: Offering God the "True" Worship He Deserves!

Pastor Robert Young Season 3 Episode 137

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What does it truly mean to worship God in spirit and truth? Join us in this enlightening episode as we unpack the profound teachings from John 4:23-24. Through guided relaxation exercises inspired by Psalms 100:4, we’ll help you prepare your heart and mind to connect deeply with God’s presence. Discover how to move beyond mere emotions and external displays to embrace a heartfelt, genuine reverence for our Creator. This week, take a moment to examine your worship habits and attitudes in light of Psalms 95:6-7. Are you offering God the worship He deserves?

Let go of distractions and anxieties as we guide you through a reflective meditation, helping you to be fully present in this sacred moment. By focusing on your breath and the leading of the Holy Spirit, you'll find a deeper, more authentic connection with God. Repeat the powerful affirmation, "I will worship the Lord in spirit and in truth because He deserves it," and carry this sense of true worship with you throughout your day. May this meditation inspire a profound transformation in your spiritual journey, drawing you closer to God in a meaningful way. Join us and experience the peace and connection that comes from true worship.

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Pastor Robert Young:

Welcome to this week's meditation on true worship. Our main scripture is coming from the book of John, chapter 4, verse 23 through 24. But first let's enter into worship by focusing on Psalms, chapter 100, verse 4, where it tells us to enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise, give thanks to him and praise his name. Take a moment to lift up your voice in praise and thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father, who is worthy of all honor and glory.

Pastor Robert Young:

Before we start to reflect on the scriptures, let's get a bit more centered, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, as you invite the presence of God to fill you. Now take a few deep breaths in for a count of seven. Hold the breath for a count of five and slowly exhale for a count of seven. Repeat the exercise.

Pastor Robert Young:

Let's begin our muscle relaxation exercise by simply tensing each muscle group for three seconds and then releasing the muscle. Remember, don't hold your breath for this portion of the meditation. Begin with the calves, lightly tense the calf muscles for a count of three, now release. Moving upward to the hamstring, quads and glutes, lightly tense for three seconds, now release. Moving to the chest and back area, lightly tense for three seconds and release. Finally, moving to the arms and shoulders, lightly tense these groups for three seconds and release.

Pastor Robert Young:

As we begin our meditation and reflection on what is true worship of God beyond emotions, let's reflect on the words of Jesus in the book of John, chapter 4, verse 23 through 24, that says, "Yet a time is coming and has now come. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kinds of worshipers the Father seeks. God is Spirit and His worshipers to worship God in spirit and in truth.

Pastor Robert Young:

True worship of God goes beyond fleeting emotions and superficial displays. It is a deep connection of the heart and soul, rooted in a genuine love and reverence for our Creator. Yes, your God-given emotions are a part of true worship, but remember, we are called to go beyond emotions and enter the

Pastor Robert Young:


Pastor Robert Young:


Pastor Robert Young:

Take a moment to examine your own worship habits and attitudes. Are you simply going through the emotions or are you truly seeking to honor God with your whole being? Are you allowing your emotions to guide your worship or are you seeking a deeper, more authentic

Pastor Robert Young:

connection with God? As you continue to meditate on these questions, remember the words of Psalms, chapter 95, verse 6 through Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord, our maker, for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Let these words inspire you to approach God with humility and reverence, acknowledging him as the sovereign Lord of your life. .

Pastor Robert Young:

Now, as you sit in the presence of God, focus on your breath and allow yourself to let go of any distractions. As you breathe in, imagine yourself breathing in the presence of God as you breathe out, imagine any feelings of anxiety or doubt being released In this stillness. Let your heart and mind be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Allow him to guide you in your worship, helping you to connect with God on a deeper level. Let go of any preconceived notions or expectations and allow yourself to be fully present in this sacred moment.

Pastor Robert Young:

As you begin to feel a sense of peace and connection with God, offer up your worship to Him in spirit and in truth. Let your worship be a reflection of your love and devotion to Him, free from the constraints of emotions and external pressures. Repeat this affirmation for the next seven days. I will worship the Lord in spirit and in truth because he deserves it. Because he deserves it Again, I will worship the Lord in spirit and in truth because he deserves it. Take the next 60 seconds to bask in the presence of God, allowing his love and light to fill your heart and soul. When you're ready, slowly open your eyes and carry this sense of true worship with you throughout your day. And may your worship be pleasing to God, rooted in the spirit and in truth, and may it draw you closer to him in a deeper, more meaningful way. Amen, thank you.