Not Your Parents Religion

#140 An Urgent Message to Christian Parents: The Role of Christian Parents in Teaching Their Children About Jesus!

Pastor Robert Young Season 3 Episode 140

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Can parents afford to leave their children’s faith up to chance? Discover why this passive approach may be putting your child's spiritual future at risk. In today's episode of Not Your Parents Religion Podcast, Pastor Robert Young tackles the significant, yet often overlooked, role Christian parents play in teaching their children about Jesus. Drawing from the Bible's wisdom in Proverbs 22:6 and Deuteronomy 6:6-7, Pastor Young highlights why it's crucial for parents to actively instill godly values and teachings from a young age. 

Join us as we explore the long-term consequences of neglecting this parental duty and discuss practical steps parents can take to prioritize their children’s spiritual journey. You'll learn how to build a strong foundation in the teachings of Jesus, enabling your children to navigate the complexities of our modern world with grace and strength. For those looking for a starting point, we offer a free 15-page ebook on teaching your child about Jesus Christ. Tune in next week for more enriching discussions on Not Your Parents Religion Podcast. God bless!

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Pastor Robert Young:

Hi, friends, and welcome to today's episode of Not your Parents Religion Podcast. I am your host, Pastor Robert Young, and today I wanted to discuss a topic that may seem controversial but is extremely important, the role of Christian parents in teaching their children about Jesus. Through our extensive research and conversations with people in various communities, we've discovered a concerning trend. Too many Christian parents are leaving it up to chance or others to teach their children about faith and the teachings of Jesus. While it may seem harmless to let your children discover religion on their own or wait for a Sunday school teacher or even a youth pastor to guide them, this approach can have long-lasting negative effects. We are definitely seeing those effects more and more in our travels and conversations with young people. We had decided to make this report at the end of the season, but we keep running into this issue all the time.

Pastor Robert Young:

And did you know that the Bible is clear about the importance of teaching children, your children, about God and his ways? In the book of Proverbs, chapter 22, verse 6, it says train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. This verse emphasizes the significance of instilling godly values and teachings in our children from a young age. In the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 6, verse 6 through 7, God instructs parents to impress his commandments on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. This highlights the vital role parents play in molding their children's spiritual development. By not teaching our children about Jesus, we are essentially neglecting our duty as Christian parents to raise them in the ways of the Lord. It is crucial that we prioritize their spiritual education and guide them in their walk of faith. I urge Christian parents to take an active role in nurturing their children's faith and guiding them on their spiritual journey. By instilling a strong foundation in the teachings of Jesus, we can equip our children to navigate the ever-changing morals and attitudes of our world with grace and strength.

Pastor Robert Young:

Thank you for joining us on today's episode. I hope that this discussion has been informative and encouraging for all parents out there. Remember it's never too early or too late to start teaching your children about Jesus and the importance of faith in their lives. If you would like more information or even clarification about this topic, then don't hesitate to get in touch with us in all of the ways to get in contact with us in the description box below. When you do contact us, we will send you our free 15-page ebook on how to start the process of teaching your child about Jesus Christ. So until next time, I am your host, Pastor Robert Young. We will see you next week on Not your Parents Religion podcast, and may God bless you.