Not Your Parents Religion

#144 Redefining Spirituality: An Interview with Mike from Cobbs Hill Fitness Park!

Pastor Robert Young Season 3 Episode 144

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What if your spiritual path doesn't fit into traditional molds? This episode of the "Not Your Parents Religion Podcast" features an enlightening conversation with Mike, a fitness enthusiast at Cobbs Hill Fitness Park. Pastor Young sits down with Mike to explore his unique views on faith, church attendance, and the concept of mercy and karma. From questioning the exclusivity of Jesus Christ as the only way to heaven to discussing the diverse interpretations of sacred texts, Mike's candid answers provide a thought-provoking perspective on contemporary spirituality.

Join us as Pastor Young reflects on the broader implications of Mike's views and the insights gained from similar surveys conducted across New York State. Though there was no immediate decision for Christ, Pastor Young underscores the importance of planting and watering seeds of faith through meaningful dialogue. Tune in to discover how these interactions are influencing his approach to ministry and shaping the future of the church. Don't miss this compelling episode that challenges conventional religious beliefs and offers fresh perspectives on faith in today's diverse world.

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Pastor Robert Young:

Hi friends, this is Pastor Young sitting again here in Cobbs Hill Park, workout Park. People are working out, the sun is shining, we're having a great time and we're sitting here with Mike and Mike has agreed to take our survey, our Christian survey, and we're just going to jump right in, Say hi Mike, hello, hello. Now, mike, do you attend church? In-person church? Often? I do not.

Pastor Robert Young:


Pastor Robert Young:

Now, mike, on a scale f 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, how important is church to you? Five, five, mike. Do you believe in giving tithes and or offerings to the church? Yes, yes, May I ask why? Just to help support, okay. Do you believe in mercy? Yes, how about karma? Yes, okay, Mike. Number five Faith and religion is helpful to people.

Pastor Robert Young:

On a scale from one to 10, 10 being the highest. I would say seven, seven, number five or number six, I'm sorry, mike. Is Jesus Christ the only way to heaven? No, no, mike. Jesus Christ is about peace and love. True or false? True? True? Did Jesus die for everyone? Yes, number nine Do you believe that the Bible is the only true, authoritative word from God? No, no, may I ask why? I just think that there's a bunch of different peoples and different religions out there and everybody has their own view of what the word is.

Pastor Robert Young:

Yes, yes, okay, any questions, are you sure? Well, mike, that is about all. Would you like to ask us any questions? No, I'm good, I'm good, I'm just finished working out and I'm on my way to breakfast, so I well. My next question is now take this question the right way. Can I go to breakfast with you? Of course. Are you buying? Yeah, I see y'all. I see y'all. Come on back, okay. Well, mike, thank you for taking God, for us. This will be very helpful when I make my presentation to other pastors about the future of the church and all that that means to them. Thank you, no worries, happy to help. Nice meeting you, god bless. God bless you.

Pastor Robert Young:

Hi, friends, this is Pastor Young from Not your Parents Religion Podcast. I hope that you enjoyed that interview with Mike over at Cobbs Hill Fitness Park. Mike took about less than two minutes to answer our survey questions. We stopped recording at that point, but the conversation kept going for another 10 minutes. There was no decision for Christ, but I believe, as the Bible lets us know, that whatever we're doing for Christ is either planting, what' watering or the increase. We believe that God was doing the planting and the watering on our new good friend Mike.

Pastor Robert Young:

Again, the survey questions are just there as an icebreaker or as a warm up and many people stop and take our survey form and it gets them to thinking. And I tried to. I asked him a couple of times would he be more specific about a few questions that we asked? But notice the answers that was at that he gave to some of the questions. We're getting those for one thing is Jesus the only way to heaven? Or if the Bible is the only authoritative word from God we get, we are. And he said no, of course from God. And he said no, of course.

Pastor Robert Young:

We're getting those answers from all walks of life, whether it's rich or poor, whether it's black or white or any whatever race or nationality, even age. We're getting it from the old. We're getting it from the young, not that we talk to too many old people, we're not against that. We want to talk to old people, we want to talk to everybody. But we're getting these answers to these kinds of questions from a whole what's the word swath of people all across New York State.

Pastor Robert Young:

That we're going for the second time and soon we'll be headed out to our Capitals Tour, starting in September, but I want to give you an opportunity. If you would like more information or clarification about any of the questions that was asked, then please don't hesitate to give us a to get in contact with us with all of the ways that it is available to get in contact with us in the description box below, and remember we even have a new function called send me a text, that you can actually send us a text message through the app, spotify or Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to the podcast. So until next time, we'll be interviewing more people and we will be here for you on Sundays with our meditation, guided Christian meditation. So until next time. I am your host, pastor Robert Young, and may God bless you.