Not Your Parents Religion

#145 Guided Meditation: Trusting God's Plan in Chaotic Times!

Pastor Robert Young Season 3 Episode 145

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Can you imagine finding peace amidst life's chaos by simply trusting in God's higher plan for your life? This week, we're guiding you through a tranquil Christian meditation that invites you to deeply connect with God's purpose for your life. We'll start by embracing the wisdom of Psalms 100:4, setting the stage for a journey filled with gratitude and praise. With calming breathing techniques and muscle relaxation exercises, you'll prepare your mind and body to receive God's word. 

As we meditate on Romans 8:28, we'll delve into the profound assurance that God’s purpose always works for our good, even in uncertain times. Picture a serene garden, feel God's tranquility, and reflect on how you can trust His plan and cultivate a life of gratitude and hope. Through affirmations and guided surrender, release your struggles and bask in the love of God's presence. Join us to carry this sense of divine peace and trust throughout your day, feeling reassured that God is always guiding and protecting you.

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Pastor Robert Young:

Welcome to this week's guided Christian meditation on trusting in God's plan. Our scripture is from Romans, chapter 8, verse 28. But first let's enter into worship by focusing on Psalms, chapter 100, verse 4, where it tells us to enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name.

Pastor Robert Young:

Take a moment to lift up your voice in praise and thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father, who is worthy of all honor and glory.

Pastor Robert Young:

Before we start to reflect on Romans 8, 28, let's get a little bit more centered. lose your eyes and take a few deep breaths as you invite the presence of God to fill you. Now take a few deep breaths in for a count of seven. Hold the breath for a count of five and slowly exhale for a count of seven. Repeat the exercise for a count of seven. Repeat the exercise.

Pastor Robert Young:

Let's begin our muscle relaxation exercise by simply tensing each muscle group for three seconds and then releasing the muscle. Remember, don't hold your breath for this portion of the meditation. Let's begin with the calf muscles. Lightly tense the calf muscles for a count of three, now release. Moving upward to the hamstrings, the quads and the glutes, Lightly tense for three seconds, now release, moving on to the chest and the back area Lightly tense for three seconds, now release. Finally, moving to the arms and the shoulders, lightly tense these muscle groups for three seconds, now release.

Pastor Robert Young:

Now we can begin to focus on Romans, chapter 8, verse 28, where it says, and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Pastor Robert Young:

Take a few more deep breaths, allowing yourself to become fully present in this moment, as you grasp the profound meaning of this scripture. This scripture tells us that, no matter what we go through, no matter how we feel or what our circle tells us, we know that God is working it out for our betterment and according to His will for our lives.

Pastor Robert Young:

Visualize a peaceful garden filled with blooming flowers and gentle sunlight. As you breathe in the fragrance of the flowers, feel God's sense of calm and tranquility wash over you.

Pastor Robert Young:

Take the next two minutes to reflect on the following questions. On how can I trust in God's plan for my life, even in the midst of uncertainty and difficulties? 2. How can I cultivate a mindset of gratitude and hope, knowing that God is always working for my good? Thank you, thank you.

Pastor Robert Young:

Repeat the following affirmation silently and for the next seven days. I trust in God's plan for my life, knowing that all things work together for my good. Again, I trust in God's plan for my life, knowing that all things work together for my good.

Pastor Robert Young:

Now bring to mind any struggles or challenges you may be facing in your life. Imagine yourself handing them over to God, releasing the weight of these burdens and surrendering to his greater purpose for you.

Pastor Robert Young:

Take a few more deep breaths and allow yourself to bask in the peace and love of God's presence, knowing that you are held in his grace and that he is always with you, guiding and protecting you on your journey. When you feel ready, gently open your eyes and carry this sense of peace and trust with you throughout your day, knowing that God is in control of the plan for your life. Amen.