Not Your Parents Religion

#148 Guided Meditation: Seeking God pt. 2

Pastor Robert Young Season 3 Episode 148

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Have you ever wondered what it truly means to seek God's kingdom first? This week, we invite you to join us in a transformative guided meditation inspired by Matthew 6:33 and Psalms 100:1-3. We begin our journey by lifting our hearts in worship, offering joyful praise and thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father. Then, we guide you through centering deep breaths and a muscle relaxation exercise to release any tension and prepare your mind and body for a deeper connection with God.

Dive deep into the serene and comforting words of Jesus, who assures us that by prioritizing our relationship with God, all our needs will be met. Let go of your anxieties and embrace the divine peace that comes from this trust. Reflect on thought-provoking questions and affirmations that reinforce the abundant love and provision of our Heavenly Father. Carry this godly calm with you throughout your week, knowing that God is always with you, ready to meet all your needs. Amen.

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Pastor Robert Young:

Welcome to this week's guided meditation on Seeking God, part 2. Our scripture is coming from Matthew, chapter 6, verse 33. But first let's enter into worship by focusing on Psalms 100, verse 1 through 3, where it tells us to shout for joy to the Lord all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness, come before him with joyful songs.

Pastor Robert Young:

Take a moment to lift up your voice in praise and thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father, who is worthy of all

Pastor Robert Young:

Before we start to reflect on Matthew 6, 33, let's get a little bit more centered by closing our eyes and taking a few deep breaths, as we invite the presence of God to fill us. Now take a few deep breaths in for a count of seven. Hold the breath for a count of five and slowly exhale for a count of seven. Repeat this exercise Exercise.

Pastor Robert Young:

Let's now begin our muscle relaxation exercise by simply tensing each muscle group for three seconds and then releasing the muscle. Remember, as always, don't hold your breath for this portion of the meditation. Let's begin with the calf muscles. Lightly tense the calf muscles for a count of three, now release. Moving upward to the hamstrings, quads and glutes ightly tense for three seconds Now release. Moving to the chest and back areas Lightly tense for three seconds, now release. Finally, moving to the arms and shoulders, lightly tense these muscle groups for three seconds, now release.

Pastor Robert Young:

Let's begin to reflect on Matthew, chapter 6, verse verse 33, where it says, but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Pastor Robert Young:

Here we see Jesus telling us to not worry about material things and the attaining of the necessities of life. He assures us that these things will be given to us. He tells us to seek God first and foremost and, as we've been discussing in our last meditations, the peace that comes from being in his presence will fill us and wipe away all anxieties.

Pastor Robert Young:

Remember God created the universe. He can and wants to help his children with all their life's issues. Take a moment to think about this truth.

Pastor Robert Young:

Jesus doesn't say not to think about these material things. Just keep your priorities in the right perspective. Being anxious or worrying about anything distract us from being fully present with our Heavenly Father.

Pastor Robert Young:

Take a few more deep breaths and then take two minutes to ponder the following

Pastor Robert Young:


Pastor Robert Young:

Let's what do I worry about?

Pastor Robert Young:

no-transcript let's thank God for giving us the strength to focus on seeking Him by repeating the following affirmation worry about, because my Heavenly Father loves and provides for me. Again, I have nothing to worry about, because my Heavenly Father loves and provides . more deep breaths in and out and, when you're ready, gently open your eyes. Take this godly calm with you throughout your day and week. Take this godly calm with you throughout your day and week, knowing that God is always with you, ready to provide for you in abundance. Amen, the, the Thank you.