Not Your Parents Religion
Hi, friends, I am your host, Pastor Robert Young, and welcome to Not Your Parents Religion Podcast. This podcast dives deep into the truths of faith and spirituality. In previous seasons, we focused on correcting misinformation about religious beliefs and practices, However, this new season brings a fresh perspective as we explore the power of Christian meditation.
With our 30+ years of Church planting and mentoring other Pastors, 30+ years of training leaders in evangelism/discipleship and a deeper connection with God, let me guide you through calming, reflective and transformative meditative practices inspired by scripture.
Through these moments of stillness and connection with God, we hope to help you deepen your faith and find inner peace.
Tune in each week as we lead you on a journey of spiritual exploration and renewal.
Not Your Parents Religion
The Prince of Peace is Born: Deep Dive with Dan & Sheila #174
Can a vision of peace under Jesus's reign transform our chaotic world? Join us as we explore Pastor Young's meditation, "The Prince of Peace is Born," inspired by Isaiah 9:6. In this episode, you'll discover a holistic approach to meditation that harmonizes mind, body, and spirit, employing techniques like confession, breath work, muscle relaxation, and worship. As we reflect on the hustle and consumerism that often cloud our vision of Christ's hope, especially during the holidays, we're challenged to envision and manifest a peaceful world in our daily lives. By delving into affirmations and visualizations, we aim to bring forth a palpable sense of peace under Jesus's reign.
Our journey doesn't end with the holiday season; it extends throughout the year, emphasizing the need to reflect Jesus's peace in all aspects of life. This episode calls us to embody the love and peace of Jesus, becoming peacemakers in our families, workplaces, and communities. To support this ongoing journey, we recommend resources such as the (free) 30-Day Meditation Journal and Evelyn Jenkins' e-book, "Hiram the Camel's Telling of Nativity," encouraging us to deepen our understanding and application of these truths. Let the essence of Christmas, with Jesus as its true reason, transform our hearts and homes, inspiring a lifestyle of peace and love year-round.
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What does a world at peace under Jesus's reign actually look like?
Sheila:It's a question that's worth pondering, both individually and collectively. What does it look like in our families, in our workplaces, in our communities? How can we be instruments of that?
Dan:Welcome to our Deep Dive today. I'm Dan.
Sheila:And I'm Sheila.
Dan:And we are Pastor Young's Evangelists. And before we get started, I just want to remind everybody that for the month of December you can still download the 30-Day Meditation Journal and also Evelyn Jenkins' book which is called Hiram the Camel's Telling of Nativity.
Dan:And those links are available in the description.
Sheila:Of course it's free.
Dan:Absolutely free. So today we're diving into one of Pastor Young's guided Christian meditations. This one is titled the Prince of Peace is Born.
Sheila:What a beautiful title.
Dan:Yeah, it is, and it's actually based on Isaiah 9:6.
Sheila:And that passage is just one of many.
Sheila:In the Old Testament that point to Jesus is coming.
Dan:That's right, and this meditation really emphasizes the idea of trusting scripture.
Sheila:Exactly, and you know it's not so much about like you striving to find peace, even though peace is like a byproduct of trusting the scriptures. It's really about that deep trust in God's word.
Dan:Yeah. So let's kind of unpack how this meditation kind of guides us toward that trust. It starts with a confession to prepare the heart and then it moves into breath work to kind of center the mind, and then there's even muscle relaxation to ground the body. It's really interesting how it addresses the whole person.
Sheila:It really does, and that approach reflects the interconnectedness of our mind, body and spirit which, Christian faith really emphasizes. It's not just about the mind, it's not just about intellectual ascent, but really engaging our whole being.
Dan:Yeah, so then it moves into worship.
Dan:And this is based on Psalm 100.
Dan:And it says shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Have you ever thought about worship as an active expression?
Sheila:That's a great point. It's not just about quiet contemplation, it's about expressing that joy and gratitude that we have.
Dan:Yeah, it's almost like the meditation is preparing us to receive the scripture with our whole selves.
Sheila:It really is. And then we get to the heart of the meditation which is the reading of Isaiah 9.6.
Dan:And this verse describes Jesus as wonderful counselor. Mighty God, everlasting father, prince of peace. Yeah, these titles are incredible. It's like each one reveals a different facet of who Jesus is.
Sheila:It does, and the meditation emphasizes that this passage is meant to be understood as a prophecy that was fulfilled by Jesus's birth. It's not just like a symbolic representation of hope. It's a concrete declaration of God's plan. But it doesn't stop there.
Sheila:Pastor Young goes on to pose some really challenging questions.
Dan:Okay, like what.
Sheila:He asks has the chaos of this world clouded my vision of the hope in Christ, and have I allowed the hectic consumerism of the season to cloud my thinking of the real reason for this season? I find those questions so relevant, especially during the holidays.
Dan:Especially during the holidays. They really make you stop and think. Yes, it's easy to get caught up in all the busyness and the distractions, but these questions really get us back to what truly matters. You know, it's like a gentle nudge to really examine our hearts right, to see if we've allowed the true meaning of Christmas to get lost in the shuffle.
Sheila:Yeah, it's about recentering, and that's where the affirmation comes in Jesus is the reason for the season.
Dan:You know what? It's so simple, but so profound.
Dan:It cuts through all the noise and reminds us of the heart of Christmas.
Sheila:And affirmations like this are powerful. You know, we're not just stating a belief, but we're actively shaping our thoughts and reinforcing the central message of Christmas. It's almost like rewiring our brains to focus on what really matters.
Dan:Yeah, so then comes the visualization.
Dan:And this is where the meditation gets really interesting.
Sheila:It does.
Dan:We're asked to imagine a world at peace under Jesus's reign, a world where joy and fulfillment permeates everything.
Sheila:I love that part.
Sheila:Such a vivid and hopeful image.
Dan:It is and it connects to the idea of the kingdom of God, a realm of peace and righteousness that Jesus inaugurated. It invites us to kind of think about the transformative power of God's reign, both in our personal lives and in the world around us. What strikes you about this visualization?
Sheila:Well, you know, I think what's so powerful is that it doesn't shy away from the reality of the world's chaos. It acknowledges the struggles and the challenges we face, but it also offers us a glimpse of something better, something more. It's like a beacon of hope in the midst of darkness. It is.
Dan:It's a reminder that that peace that we long for isn't just some distant dream, right, it's a reality that Jesus has already brought in and is continuing to bring about in the world, and this visualization helps us to see that reality more clearly, even if it's not fully realized yet.
Sheila:And it makes me wonder what a world at peace under Jesus's reign actually looks like, not just in a global sense, but in my own life, in my relationships, in my community.
Dan:That's a great question to ponder, and I think that's something that we're going to come back to later. Ok, so for now, let's move on to the concluding part of the meditation, which is the assignment.
Dan:And we're encouraged to listen to this meditation daily until its message becomes ingrained in our spirit. You know, it's not about hearing it.
Sheila:It's about letting it sink deep into our hearts and our minds. It's about making this message a lived reality, not just like a fleeting thought.
Sheila:And we're also encouraged to seek out other scriptures that foretell Jesus' coming, and I think that that deepens our understanding of this pivotal event. It's an invitation to really delve deeper into God's word and discover the richness of his plan for humanity.
Dan:It's like we're being equipped to not just understand, but to truly embrace the truth of Jesus' coming.
Sheila:Exactly. And that brings us to a really crucial point about this whole meditation, and it all goes back to that idea of trusting in Scripture. Yeah, that's the real key to unlocking the peace and the hope that this meditation offers.
Dan:You know you're right. It's not about just feeling peaceful during the meditation itself. It's about cultivating a deep and abiding trust in God's Word that carries over into our everyday lives.
Sheila:It's about recognizing that the Bible isn't just some collection of stories or moral teachings. It's a revelation of God's character and his plan for us, and when we trust in that, it changes everything.
Dan:So how does that trust actually play out in a practical way? I mean, if I'm feeling stressed about work or anxious about the future, how does trusting in scripture actually make a difference?
Sheila:That's a great question, and I think it's something that a lot of people struggle with. It's not about having all the answers or, you know, magically erasing all of our problems.
Sheila:It's about having a foundation of faith to stand on, okay, a source of strength to draw from when things get tough.
Dan:So it's more about perspective than anything else.
Sheila:Exactly, trusting in scripture allows us to see our circumstances through a different lens. Okay, it helps us to remember that we're not alone.
Sheila:That God is with us and that he has a plan for our lives, even when we can't see it.
Dan:And that brings us back to that visualization of a world at peace under Jesus.
Sheila:Yes, it's a reminder that the peace that we long for isn't just a distant dream. It's a reality that Jesus has already inaugurated and is continuing to bring about in the world.
Dan:And we can participate in that reality by aligning our lives with his teachings and living out his love in the world.
Sheila:Absolutely. It starts with that personal trust in scripture, but it extends outward to impact our relationships, our communities and, ultimately, the world around us.
Dan:So it's not just about inner peace, but about being a peacemaker, an agent of God's peace in a world that desperately needs it.
Sheila:You got it, and I think that's what makes this meditation so relevant, especially during the Christmas season.
Sheila:It's a reminder that the true meaning of Christmas is not about presents or parties right, but about the coming of the Prince of Peace.
Dan:And it's a challenge to let that peace permeate every aspect of our lives.
Dan:Not just during the holidays, but throughout the year.
Sheila:It's a lifelong journey, but one that's worth taking.
Sheila:And I think this meditation gives us some powerful tools to help us along the way.
Dan:It definitely does, and it reminds us that we're not on this journey alone. Right, we have the scriptures to guide us, the example of Jesus to inspire us and the Holy Spirit to empower us.
Sheila:And we have each other. The journey of faith is best traveled together.
Dan:Absolutely. And speaking of resources, I want to remind our listeners about the free 30-day meditation journal and Evelyn Jenkins' e-book Hiram the Camel's Telling of Nativity.
Dan:They're wonderful companions to this meditation and can help you delve even deeper into the themes that we've been discussing.
Sheila:They're a great way to extend this deep dive to your own personal reflection and study.
Dan:I'm curious what stands out to you as the most impactful aspect of this meditation.
Sheila:I think it's the combination of inner transformation and outward action.
Sheila:The meditation encourages us to cultivate personal peace through trust in scripture right, but it also challenges us to be peacemakers in the world. It's that integration of inner and outer that really resonates with me. You know, I completely agree. It's that integration of inner and outer that really resonates with me.
Dan:You know, I completely agree. It's not just about feeling peaceful.
Dan:It's about being a force for peace in a world that desperately needs it. Yes, and that brings us back to the question you posed earlier what does a world at peace under Jesus's reign actually look like?
Sheila:It's a question that's worth pondering, both individually and collectively.
Sheila:What does it look like in our families, in our workplaces, in our communities? Right, how can we be instruments of that peace?
Sheila:Even in small ways.
Dan:I think that's a great question to leave our listeners with.
Sheila:I agree. It's a question that can guide our thoughts, our actions and our prayers as we move forward on this journey of faith.
Dan:Yeah, it's a challenge, but it's also incredibly hopeful.
Dan:You know, if we can truly grasp this idea of Jesus as the Prince of Peace and let that truth kind of permeate our lives, imagine the impact it could have.
Sheila:Imagine the ripple effect. You know, it starts with that personal transformation, that deepening trust in Scripture, but it doesn't end there, you know. It spills over into our relationships, our communities, even our interactions with strangers.
Dan:Yeah, it's like a seed that's planted in our hearts and then grows to bear fruit in the world around us.
Sheila:What a beautiful image, and I think that's a perfect way to sum up this deep dive. You know we've explored a powerful meditation that invites us to cultivate peace through trust in scripture.
Sheila:But it's not just about us feeling peaceful ourselves. It's about becoming peacemakers, agents of God's peace in a world that so desperately needs it.
Dan:And it all starts with that simple but profound affirmation.
Dan:Jesus is the reason for the season.
Sheila:So true. It's a reminder that the true meaning of Christmas is found in the person of Jesus Christ and the peace that he brings.
Dan:Well, this has been an incredibly insightful conversation. Thank you for guiding us through this deep dive.
Sheila:It's been my pleasure. You know it's always a joy to unpack these profound truths and explore their relevance for our lives.
Dan:And thank you, dear listener, for joining us on this journey of discovery. We hope this deep dive has given you some food for thought and maybe even sparked a desire to explore these themes further.
Sheila:And don't forget to check out the free resources that we mentioned, the 30-Day Meditation Journal and Evelyn Jenkins' e-book Hiram the Camel's Telling of Nativity.
Sheila:They're a great way to continue reflecting on what we've talked about today.
Dan:And as we head into this Christmas season, let's remember the challenge that we've been given.
Dan:To reflect the love and peace of Jesus in everything that we do.
Sheila:May his peace fill your hearts and homes, not just during this season, but all year round.