Not Your Parents Religion
Hi, friends, I am your host, Pastor Robert Young, and welcome to Not Your Parents Religion Podcast. This podcast dives deep into the truths of faith and spirituality. In previous seasons, we focused on correcting misinformation about religious beliefs and practices, However, this new season brings a fresh perspective as we explore the power of Christian meditation.
With our 30+ years of Church planting and mentoring other Pastors, 30+ years of training leaders in evangelism/discipleship and a deeper connection with God, let me guide you through calming, reflective and transformative meditative practices inspired by scripture.
Through these moments of stillness and connection with God, we hope to help you deepen your faith and find inner peace.
Tune in each week as we lead you on a journey of spiritual exploration and renewal.
Not Your Parents Religion
Putting Christ Back in Christmas: Meditation from Matthew 2:1-2 #175
A heartfelt journey of meditation draws us closer to the true significance of Christmas, emphasizing the importance of honoring Jesus amid holiday distractions. Through reflection, worship, and scriptural guidance, we explore how to celebrate Christ's birth meaningfully and purposefully.
• Opening with a guided meditation for the holiday season
• Preparing our hearts and minds through scripture and prayer
• Pondering Matthew 2:1-2 regarding the birth of Jesus
• The significance of Jesus' arrival amid societal turmoil
• Engaging with reflective questions on honoring God during Christmas
• Affirming Jesus’ sacrifice and its importance in our lives
• Weekly assignment: deepen your meditation practice and study of scripture
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Welcome to this week's Guided Christian Meditation. I am your host, Pastor Robert Young, and thank you for allowing me to be your guide on this journey. Today's meditation is entitled Putting Christ Back in Christmas. Our scripture is from the book of Matthew, chapter 2, verses 1 through 2.
Pastor Robert Young:But first, proper worship of God requires us to be completely involved and free from sin in our mind, body and spirit. Let's prepare our hearts by asking God to forgive us of sin that might be in our lives, by reciting Psalms, chapter 51, verses 1 through 4, where it says, "ave mercy upon me, o God, according to thy loving kindness, according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out my transgressions, wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity and cleanse me from my sin, for I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before me.
Pastor Robert Young:Before we start to reflect on Matthew, chapter 2, verses 1 through 2, let's prepare our mind by closing our eyes and taking a deep breath, as we invite the presence of God to fill us. . Now take a deep breath in for a count of seven, hold the breath for a count of five and slowly exhale for a count of seven. Repeat the exercise.
Pastor Robert Young:Now let's prepare our body with muscle relaxation exercises. We will simply tense each muscle group for three seconds and then release the muscle. Remember, don't hold your breath for this portion of the meditation. Let's begin with the calves, lightly tense the calf muscles for a count of three, now release. Moving upward to the hamstrings, quads and glutes, lightly tense for three seconds, now release. Moving to the abdominals, chest and back area, lightly tense for three seconds, now release. Finally, moving to the arms and shoulders, lightly tense these muscle groups for three seconds, now release
Pastor Robert Young:.
Pastor Robert Young:Now we can enter into worship of our Heavenly Father by focusing on Psalms 100, verses 1-3, where it tells us to shout for joy to the Lord all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness, come before Him with joyful songs. Take a moment to lift up your voice in praise and thanksgiving to our where Father, who is worthy of all honor and glory. Now that we have prepared our mind, our bodies and our spirit, let's begin
Pastor Robert Young:This passage ponder on Matthew, chapter 2, verses , when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of power, the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem saying when is he that is born king
Pastor Robert Young:of the Jews, for we have seen his star in the east and are come to worship him. Passage tells us about the birth of Jesus. Tells us about the birth of Jesus.
Pastor Robert Young:Further in the passage it speaks of all the turmoil from those in power who wanted to prevent Jesus's birth. They knew about the foretelling of Jesus's birth and eventual rule over his people. Those in power mistakenly thought that Jesus would overthrow the existing government. They didn't realize that Jesus' birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension and eventual return was to reconcile humanity back to a fellowship with the Father. Jesus paid the cost of our sins with his death on the cross. With his resurrection, he was given all power. When he returns for his people, he indeed will rule over the earth. Let's take two minutes to really reflect on the following question. The question is how can I celebrate the birth of Christ that is honoring to God?
Pastor Robert Young:Repeat the following affirmation now and for the next seven days. "Jesus sacrificed so that I could have everlasting life with the Father. Again, jesus sacrificed so that I could have everlasting life with the Father.
Pastor Robert Young:Imagine the love that one would have to give their only son so that the world could live eternally with the God of love. Picture yourself accepting and distributing that love to everyone that you come in contact with.
Pastor Robert Young:Our assignment for this week. Listen to this meditation daily until it saturates your spirit. Read the rest of the book of Matthew as it tells of God's plan for humanity, and rest in the fact that you are one of God's children and that he has a great plan for your life and afterlife. In Jesus name, name amen.