Not Your Parents Religion
Hi, friends, I am your host, Pastor Robert Young, and welcome to Not Your Parents Religion Podcast. This podcast dives deep into the truths of faith and spirituality. In previous seasons, we focused on correcting misinformation about religious beliefs and practices, However, this new season brings a fresh perspective as we explore the power of Christian meditation.
With our 30+ years of Church planting and mentoring other Pastors, 30+ years of training leaders in evangelism/discipleship and a deeper connection with God, let me guide you through calming, reflective and transformative meditative practices inspired by scripture.
Through these moments of stillness and connection with God, we hope to help you deepen your faith and find inner peace.
Tune in each week as we lead you on a journey of spiritual exploration and renewal.
Not Your Parents Religion
Putting Christ Back in Christmas: Deep Dive with Dan & Sheila #176
Pastor Young's message challenges us to shift our focus from material gifts to meaningful gestures that embody the true spirit of Christmas. We dive into the transformative power of affirmations and the depth of God's love, encouraging us to view ourselves and the world through a lens of compassion and hope. By placing Christ at the center of our lives, we are inspired to offer gifts of time, talent, and compassion. Whether you're seeking to deepen your understanding or simply looking for ways to authentically share the story of Christ's birth, this episode invites you on a spiritual journey of love and self-reflection. Merry Christmas to all, and may Pastor Young's insights guide you in embracing the season's true spirit.
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I'm Dan.
Sheila:And I'm Sheila.
Dan:And I think our mission today is to really understand how Pastor Young helps us refocus on Christ during the Christmas season. Welcome to the Deep Dive everyone. Sometimes, I think, amidst all the presents and hustle and bustle, you know, the real reason for the season can kind of get lost right.
Sheila:It definitely can.
Dan:So we thought we would do a special Christmas deep dive this year into a guided Christian meditation by Pastor Young, called Putting Christ Back into Christmas.
Sheila:Yes, and I think our listeners will find this meditation particularly helpful in reorienting their hearts and minds to the true meaning of the season.
Dan:Yeah, and think of us as Pastor Young's AI assistants here to kind of guide you through some of the highlights of this meditation. I'm Dan.
Sheila:And I'm Sheila.
Dan:And I think our mission today is to really understand how Pastor Young helps us refocus on Christ during the Christmas season.
Dan:So you know, looking at this meditation, one of the first things that really jumps out is that Pastor Young starts with this idea of confession and preparation.
Sheila:Right. He actually starts with the scripture from Psalms 51. It's interesting because it's all about King David acknowledging his sin and asking for forgiveness, and I think that's really significant because it reminds us that even someone like King David, who you know is considered a hero in the Bible, had to confront his flaws before he could truly connect with God.
Dan:Yeah, that's a good point. It's like you saying hey, before we can fully appreciate the Christmas message, we need to kind of clear the air, you know.
Sheila:Absolutely. And then he goes on to introduce some really practical techniques for relaxation, you know, like breath work and muscle tension release. So it's all about really quieting the mind and preparing the body for a deeper connection with God.
Dan:Yeah, I've tried that kind of breath work before and it's amazing how much that can really help you kind of quiet your mind, just kind of relax.
Sheila:It really does, it's about creating a space for stillness and reflection, and that leads us into the heart of the meditation, really, which is the scripture itself. And the scripture that Pastor Young focuses on is Matthew 2.1 through 2, the story of the wise men seeking the newborn king.
Dan:Ah, the wise men, such a classic part of the Christmas story.
Sheila:Absolutely. But you know, I think Pastor Young really encourages us to kind of look deeper into the story. You know, remember these wise men, these magi. They weren't just random travelers. They were scholars, astronomers, who had studied the prophecies and they were eagerly anticipating the Messiah's birth. So they were already primed to recognize Jesus as someone special.
Dan:Right, so they were kind of already looking for him.
Sheila:Exactly and think about their journey. You know they were willing to travel a long distance, following a star, to find this newborn king. It really says a lot about their faith and determination, doesn't it?
Dan:That's a good point. That really makes me think about, you know, the sacrifices we make for things that are really important to us. I think about, like my grandma. Every year, no matter what, she would make this long trip to be with family for Christmas. It was just that important to her.
Sheila:Yeah, it is about the things that we prioritize and the things that we hold dear Definitely. And then you know, when they finally found Jesus, they didn't come empty handed.
Dan:Right, they brought gifts gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Sheila:Yes, but they weren't just valuable, you know, they held symbolic meaning in that culture. Right, gold acknowledged Jesus as a king, frankincense pointed to his divinity and myrrh? Well, myrrh was used for burial, foreshadowing his sacrifice.
Dan:Wow, I never really thought about the gifts that way. Right, you know, there's like all these layers of meaning really pointing to who Jesus was and what he would do.
Sheila:Exactly. It's as if they, in their own way, were proclaiming the true nature and mission of Jesus right. And this kind of brings us to this crucial part of Pastor Young's message, and he calls it our Christmas assignment.
Dan:An assignment. What's that?
Sheila:He urges us to really share the story of Jesus's birth and what it means for the world. That's the ultimate gift.
Dan:Oh wow, how does he suggest we do that? Because that's kind of a big challenge. You know it'd be intimidating to talk about your faith, especially around the holidays.
Sheila:Yeah, and he really emphasizes that. It's not about preaching, you know, or forcing your beliefs on anyone. It's about sharing the message of hope and love that Christ's birth represents in a way that feels authentic to you.
Dan:So it's more about just living out our faith than giving a theological lecture.
Sheila:Exactly. It's about letting our actions and words reflect the joy and the peace we find in Christ, and that can take many forms, you know.
Dan:So like how the wise men brought gifts, but maybe instead of gold, frankincense and myrrh, we offer gifts of our time or talents or compassion.
Sheila:That's a beautiful way to put it. It's about offering gifts that express our love for God and our love for others, gifts that bring hope and healing and joy to those around us.
Dan:You know, it's interesting how Pastor Young frames this assignment. He doesn't just say go tell people about Jesus, he specifically says give the best gift this year.
Dan:It's really brilliant because it kind of reframes the whole idea of gift giving at Christmas.
Dan:Yeah, it shifts the focus from you know material presents to something much more meaningful.
Sheila:It challenges us to think about what truly matters, about the gifts that have a lasting impact.
Dan:This makes me think about something a friend of mine does every year instead of buying, you know, elaborate presents, she spends the weeks leading up to Christmas baking cookies and making little crafts.
Sheila:Oh, that sounds lovely.
Dan:And then on Christmas Eve, she goes around her neighborhood and delivers these homemade treats to her neighbors, especially those who are elderly or live alone. And you know what? She told me that those small acts of kindness often spark the most meaningful conversations. It's in those moments of genuine connection that the true spirit of Christmas can really shine through right. So it's not about the material value of the gift, but about the love and care that it represents.
Sheila:And that resonates deeply, especially in a world that can often feel so divided and disconnected.
Dan:This makes me think about something else that Pastor Young talks about in his meditation, receiving. You know, it's not just about giving, but also about opening ourselves up to receive the gift that God has given us in Christ.
Sheila:That's a good point. Receiving is definitely a crucial part of putting Christ back into Christmas and it's not a one-time event, you know. It's an ongoing process of opening our hearts to God's love and grace.
Dan:It's like unwrapping a gift that keeps on giving right. Each day we can experience something new.
Sheila:Exactly and just like any gift, we have to choose to accept it. We have to choose to make space for it in our lives.
Dan:Yeah, and that could be, I think, the tricky part for a lot of people right, making space for something new, you know, something bigger than ourselves.
Sheila:It definitely requires a shift in perspective. It's about acknowledging that we don't have all the answers, recognizing our need for something beyond ourselves.
Dan:Yeah, that reminds me of what we were talking about earlier, with Pastor Young starting the meditation with confession. Right, it's like he's creating this space for humility right from the beginning.
Sheila:That's a great connection. It is about coming to God with open hearts and minds, ready to receive his grace.
Dan:So when we talk about receiving the gift of Christ, what does that really look like?
Sheila:You know, it's interesting because it's not about a checklist or a one-time event, right, it's about surrendering to a process of transformation. It's allowing God's love to change us from the inside out.
Dan:That makes me think about the affirmation that Pastor Young uses in the meditation Jesus sacrificed so that I could have everlasting life with the Father.
Sheila:It's not just about knowing the words right, but letting them sink in, letting them change us. That affirmation is powerful, isn't it? It really is about understanding the depth of God's love and how it changes everything. It changes how we see ourselves, how we see the world and how we treat others.
Dan:Yeah, it's like putting on a new pair of glasses that allow us to see everything through this lens of love and compassion and hope.
Sheila:Beautifully put and that brings us back to the heart of Pastor Young's message. Really, it's about putting Christ back into Christmas, not just in our celebrations but in our lives. It's about making him the center, the guiding force in everything we do.
Dan:So, as we wrap up this Christmas deep dive, let's all consider those gifts that we can offer that really reflect the true meaning of Christ's birth. You know, those gifts of time, talent and compassion that we talked about.
Sheila:And let's remember to open ourselves to receive that incredible gift that God has given us in Christ, a gift that has the power to change our lives and the lives of those around us.
Dan:That's a beautiful message to carry with us this Christmas season and beyond. And if anyone wants to explore these ideas further with Pastor Young, you can find his contact info in the description box below.
Sheila:Merry Christmas everyone.
Dan:Merry Christmas.