Not Your Parents Religion
Hi, friends, I am your host, Pastor Robert Young, and welcome to Not Your Parents Religion Podcast. This podcast dives deep into the truths of faith and spirituality. In previous seasons, we focused on correcting misinformation about religious beliefs and practices, However, this new season brings a fresh perspective as we explore the power of Christian meditation.
With our 30+ years of Church planting and mentoring other Pastors, 30+ years of training leaders in evangelism/discipleship and a deeper connection with God, let me guide you through calming, reflective and transformative meditative practices inspired by scripture.
Through these moments of stillness and connection with God, we hope to help you deepen your faith and find inner peace.
Tune in each week as we lead you on a journey of spiritual exploration and renewal.
Not Your Parents Religion
The Power of Affirmations: Biblical Wisdom Meets Scientific Proof! Deep Dive with Dan & Sheila #180
In this episode, we explore the impactful world of affirmations, exploring their biblical foundations and the science supporting their effectiveness in transforming our mindset and realities. We examine how our words hold power and can shape both our lives and the lives of those around us.
• Discusses the biblical roots of affirmations and their relevance today
• Highlights Proverbs 18:21, emphasizing the power of words
• Analyzes classic biblical affirmations like Philippians 4:13
• Explores scientific studies showing the benefits of affirmations on stress levels
• Introduces the concept of neuroplasticity and its connection to affirmations
• Provides tips for personalizing affirmations to match individual needs
• Encourages mindfulness and visualization techniques while practicing affirmations
• Reminds listeners that affirmation practice is a journey and promotes persistence
Pastor Young will be back soon with more wisdom and insights. In the meantime, be sure to check out the links in the description below, connect with him and access all those great resources, including that free 30-day meditation journal.
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Which is interesting because a lot of, the more you know secular affirmations.
Sheila:They focus solely on willpower.
Dan:Right like it's all up to us.
Sheila:But this verse adds another dimension.
Dan:you know, it's not just about what we can do on our own. Hey everyone, and welcome back to the Deep Dive.
Sheila:Glad to have you with us as we continue to explore the biblical roots of practices we find in meditation today.
Dan:You know, it's fascinating to uncover these connections right? Like who knew there was so much ancient wisdom hidden within these practices?
Sheila:It's truly remarkable and I'm Sheila, by the way.
Dan:I'm Dan and we're filling in for Pastor Young while he's busy.
Sheila:With those much needed podcast renovations.
Dan:Yep, he'll be back in a couple of weeks, but in the meantime, be sure to connect with him using those links in the description. You can also find that free 30-day meditation journal there. Don't miss out on that.
Sheila:Definitely worth checking out.
Dan:Okay, so today we're diving into affirmations.
Sheila:Those positive statements people repeat to themselves.
Dan:Yeah, they seem pretty new agey at first glance. Pastor Young pointed out that the idea actually has a basis in the Bible.
Sheila:Right, and it's fascinating how something we tend to associate with modern self-help is rooted in such ancient wisdom.
Dan:Yeah, the term affirmations might be new, but the core concept that our words have power, that's all over scripture. It really is. There's that verse from Proverbs right, proverbs 18.21.
Sheila:Death and life are in the power of the tongue.
Dan:And those who love it will eat its fruits. That's the what it's like. Wow. Our words can actually create tangible outcomes, not just, you know, wishful thinking.
Sheila:It's a powerful reminder that our words are more than just sounds. They have a creative force.
Dan:And you know that word fruits always stuck out to me there.
Dan:Did that suggest that, like positive words could actually lead to positive results in our lives?
Sheila:I think so, and it ties into this idea that affirmations can attract good things. So it's not about magic, then no, it's not about some kind of magical thinking, but about shifting our mindset.
Dan:So we're more receptive to opportunities, solutions, you know.
Sheila:Exactly, and it's about creating a fertile ground within ourselves, a space where positive seeds can take root and flourish.
Dan:I like that analogy Makes sense yeah.
Sheila:When we consistently affirm positive truths, we're preparing our minds and hearts.
Dan:To recognize and embrace possibilities when they appear.
Sheila:And to act on them.
Dan:Okay, I'm starting to see how this all fits together.
Sheila:And it's not just about self-improvement either right.
Sheila:Like Ephesians 4.29.
Dan:Talks about using our words to build up, not tear down. Exactly so our affirmations can impact those around us too.
Sheila:It's this ripple effect where our words and actions are interconnected.
Dan:So think about encouraging someone speaking words of affirmation.
Sheila:To a friend or loved one.
Dan:That's a powerful way to build them up.
Sheila:And contribute to their growth.
Dan:You know, speaking of affirmations, are there any that could be considered classic biblical affirmations?
Sheila:Oh, there are plenty.
Dan:Like what.
Sheila:Well, one that comes to mind is Philippians 4.13.
Dan:I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.
Sheila:Exactly. It beautifully combines a declaration of personal strength.
Dan:With this acknowledgement.
Sheila:A reliance on a higher power.
Dan:Which is interesting because a lot of, the more you know secular affirmations.
Sheila:They focus solely on willpower.
Dan:Right, like it's all up to us. But this verse adds another dimension you know it's not just about what we can do on our own.
Sheila:It's about aligning ourselves with a power greater than ourselves.
Dan:And tapping into that source of strength.
Sheila:Who accomplish what we need to.
Dan:You know, I've always found that verse so empowering.
Sheila:And speaking of empowerment, yeah, I. I've always found that verse so empowering. And speaking of empowerment, I was reading about some fascinating research on the science behind affirmations.
Dan:Oh, tell me more.
Sheila:So there was this study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology and they found that people who practiced affirmations daily they actually had lower levels of cortisol.
Dan:That's the stress hormone right?
Sheila:Yes, exactly.
Dan:So they were less stressed just from saying positive things to themselves.
Sheila:It seems so, and they also reported feeling more empowered, more in control.
Dan:Wow, that's amazing, and you know what it makes me think of that verse again.
Sheila:From Proverbs.
Dan:Death and life are in the power of the tongue.
Sheila:Right, like we're literally speaking life into ourselves.
Dan:By reducing stress, we're creating a ripple effect.
Sheila:That impacts our choices.
Dan:Our relationships, our health.
Sheila:Even our physical health.
Dan:Now this whole idea of neuroplasticity. I'm curious about that.
Dan:How can just repeating phrases you?
Sheila:know, actually rewire our brains.
Dan:It sounds kind of too good to be true.
Sheila:It might sound surprising, but it's a well-established concept in neuroscience.
Dan:So how does it work?
Sheila:Well, imagine a forest with all these different paths.
Sheila:The more you walk along a certain path, the more defined and clear it becomes right.
Dan:Yeah, you create a trail.
Sheila:Well, our brains are similar.
Dan:So the more we think a certain way the stronger those neural pathways become. Like if we're constantly thinking negative thoughts.
Sheila:Those negative pathways. They become deeply ingrained.
Dan:And make it harder to think positively.
Sheila:Right, but with affirmations.
Dan:We're choosing to create new pathways, positive ones, like we're retraining our brains.
Sheila:To focus on the good, on the positive.
Dan:So it's not just wishing things were different, it's actually changing the structure of our brains.
Sheila:It's pretty amazing, isn't it?
Dan:Yeah, that's incredible.
Sheila:And it just goes to show the power we have.
Dan:To shape our own reality.
Sheila:Through the words we choose.
Dan:Mind blown. This is amazing.
Sheila:It really is, and there's so much more to explore.
Dan:Okay, I'm hooked. What else have
Sheila:you uncovered. You know it's amazing how much power we hold.
Dan:In our words.
Sheila:Yeah, just in the words we speak.
Dan:It really is, and we were talking about the Bible and affirmations.
Sheila:And how many examples we find there.
Dan:You know it's funny, I heard these verses growing up but never really thought of them.
Sheila:As affirmations.
Dan:It's like seeing them in a whole new light now.
Sheila:It is, isn't it? That's the beauty of exploration.
Dan:We can rediscover familiar things.
Sheila:And find deeper meaning.
Dan:Exactly. So what are some of the biblical affirmations that stand out to you?
Sheila:Well, one that comes to mind is Psalm 23.1.
Dan:The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.
Sheila:That's it. Such a simple statement, but so powerful.
Dan:It speaks to security provision trust.
Sheila:Trust and a higher power.
Dan:It's like a total shift in perspective.
Sheila:Right Instead of focusing on what we lack.
Dan:We affirm that our needs are met.
Sheila:That we're cared for.
Dan:Yeah, it's about gratitude and faith.
Sheila:Even when things feel uncertain.
Dan:You know another one that always resonates with me.
Dan:Isaiah 40.31. But, they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles.
Sheila:They shall run and not be weary.
Dan:They shall walk and not faint.
Sheila:There's so much energy in those words, so much resilience.
Dan:It's like a reminder that even when we're exhausted, we can tap into a wellspring of strength. And it's not just about physical energy.
Sheila:You're right, it's about spiritual and emotional resilience too.
Dan:It's interesting how it uses those vivid images.
Sheila:The wings like eagles, running without growing weary.
Dan:It's like painting a picture.
Sheila:That's a key aspect of affirmations they should evoke feelings and create a sense of possibility.
Dan:So instead of saying I'm so tired you could say I am renewed and energized.
Sheila:Exactly. It's about aligning our thoughts and beliefs with the.
Dan:I like that. So we're not just saying words, we're creating a mental picture.
Sheila:A vision of the state we want to be in.
Dan:You know another verse I've always loved, Romans 8.28. And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good.
Sheila:For those who are called according to his purpose.
Dan:That one's so comforting. But honestly, sometimes it's hard to believe.
Sheila:When you're in the middle of a tough situation. Yeah, that one's so comforting.
Dan:But honestly, sometimes it's hard to believe when you're in the middle of a tough situation.
Sheila:Yeah, exactly, I understand, but that's actually when affirmations are most crucial.
Dan:Like anchors.
Sheila:For our faith, reminding us that even in challenges, there's a bigger plan. There's a purpose. So, instead of giving in to despair, we can choose to affirm that good will come.
Dan:Even if we can't see it yet.
Sheila:It's about trusting the process, surrendering to something greater than ourselves.
Dan:Which brings us back to the difference between biblical affirmations, and you know.
Sheila:The more secular ones.
Dan:Yeah, there's that element of surrender.
Sheila:Recognizing that we're not in complete control.
Dan:It's not about denying our struggles, but choosing to believe.
Sheila:That there's a purpose behind them.
Dan:And that good will ultimately prevail.
Sheila:Right, it's about faith and trust.
Dan:You know, I'm realizing these affirmations are more than just nice phrases.
Sheila:They're tools.
Dan:Spiritual tools.
Sheila:To help us navigate life's ups and downs.
Dan:I'm excited to start experimenting with this to see how it impacts my life.
Sheila:It can be a powerful practice and we can talk more about personalizing it.
Dan:Yeah, how do we make it our own? Yeah, it's amazing how something as simple as like speaking positive words can have such a big impact. But knowing where to start it can be a bit overwhelming, you know.
Sheila:It's true there's so much information out there about affirmations, but the good news is you don't need any fancy equipment or training to get started. The most important thing is finding affirmations that resonate with you personally.
Dan:So how do we find those affirmations, the ones that really speak to us? Is it just a matter of looking online browsing lists.
Sheila:It can be helpful to look at examples, for sure, but the most effective affirmations they're the ones that address your specific needs, your desires. Think about areas in your life where you feel stuck or challenged. Are you struggling with self-doubt, fear, lack of motivation?
Dan:I definitely have moments of anxiety and insecurity.
Sheila:Then perhaps an affirmation like I am calm and centered, I am filled with peace, could be beneficial. Or if you're feeling overwhelmed, you might try something like I am capable and resourceful, I can handle anything that comes my way.
Dan:It's like having a toolbox Right, you pick the right tool depending on what you need to build. But how often should we be doing these affirmations? Is there a magic number or something?
Sheila:Well, consistency is key more than frequency. Some people like to start their day with affirmations setting a positive tone for the day. Others use them before bed to calm their minds, release stress.
Dan:So it's about finding what works for you, your own rhythm.
Sheila:Exactly, and it's not just about mindlessly repeating words, you know.
Dan:Right, there's got to be more to it.
Sheila:It's about engaging with the affirmations, feeling their meaning in your heart. You can whisper them, say them out loud, even write them down.
Dan:The key is to make it a mindful practice. It's about the intention, the feeling behind the words.
Sheila:That's it Exactly. And here's a tip when you're saying your affirmations, try to visualize the outcome you desire. If you're affirming abundance, picture yourself surrounded by prosperity. If you're affirming healing, see yourself vibrant and whole.
Dan:It's like we're creating a mental movie, our desired reality.
Sheila:Exactly, and the more vivid that visualization is, the more emotionally charged, the more powerful the affirmation becomes.
Dan:It's like we're given the tools to shape our own reality. One thought, one word at a time. It's inspiring.
Sheila:It is and remember it's a journey. Some days you might forget to practice, your doubts might creep back in. But remember, it's a journey. Some days you might forget to practice, your doubts might creep back in, but don't be discouraged. Just gently guide yourself back to those positive affirmations and trust that over time they will reshape your thoughts, your beliefs, even your reality. So patience, persistence, self true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Dan:A good reminder to focus on the good, the true, the beautiful.
Sheila:And as we do that, we create that fertile ground within ourselves for those positive seeds to take root and bear fruit.
Dan:Well, this has been such an insightful, deep dive into the world of affirmations, uncovering their biblical roots, the science behind them and how to make them a part of our daily lives.
Sheila:We hope you feel empowered to start your own affirmation journey to experience their transformative power.
Dan:And don't forget, you're not alone on this journey. Pastor Young will be back soon with more wisdom and insights. In the meantime, be sure to check out the links in the description below, connect with him and access all those great resources, including that free 30-day meditation journal.
Sheila:Until next time, may your words be filled with life, love and the power to create the reality you desire. Bye.