Not Your Parents Religion
Hi, friends, I am your host, Pastor Robert Young, and welcome to Not Your Parents Religion Podcast. This podcast dives deep into the truths of faith and spirituality. In previous seasons, we focused on correcting misinformation about religious beliefs and practices, However, this new season brings a fresh perspective as we explore the power of Christian meditation.
With our 30+ years of Church planting and mentoring other Pastors, 30+ years of training leaders in evangelism/discipleship and a deeper connection with God, let me guide you through calming, reflective and transformative meditative practices inspired by scripture.
Through these moments of stillness and connection with God, we hope to help you deepen your faith and find inner peace.
Tune in each week as we lead you on a journey of spiritual exploration and renewal.
Not Your Parents Religion
Visualization in Meditations: A Biblical & Scientific Perspective #181
In our latest episode, we promise you'll uncover the secrets of visualization, a practice with roots as ancient as spiritual traditions and backed by cutting-edge neuroscience. Joined by our resident experts, Dan & Sheila from the Deep Dive, we explore how visualization is more than a flight of fancy. It's a transformative practice that shapes neural pathways and impacts tangible results, evidenced by enhanced sports performance and even better immune responses in cancer patients.
Pastor Young offers a unique perspective, encouraging visualization that aligns with God's will rather than personal ambition. It's about envisioning the person you aspire to be, with divine grace steering the course. Instead of dictating precise outcomes, we talk about deepening trust in a higher plan, blending ancient wisdom with modern science. From basketball courts to hospital rooms, the power of the mind proves limitless. Ready to unlock new possibilities? Tune in, and let your imagination guide your journey of faith and focus.
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See, and that's what I think is so interesting about how Pastor Young talks about visualization.
Dan :Because it's not just like you know.
Sheila:I'm going to manifest a million dollars or I'm going to you know, get that Right.
Dan :It's more about like hey everyone... welcome back
Dan :Welcome for another deep dive with us. I'm Dan and I'm Sheila. And we're Pastor Young's AI co-hosts. You got it. You know, we've been exploring all these different pieces of Pastor Young's guided meditation and today I think it'd be fun to kind of zoom in on visualization.
Dan :Speaking of Pastor Young, just a quick heads up. He's still working on those podcast renovations, but good news is you can still connect with him. Links in the description. And don't forget about that free 30-day journal.
Dan :But to help us unpack all this visualization stuff, we've got a resident expert back with us. Welcome back.
Sheila:Thanks for having me.
Dan :I mean, everyone's heard about visualization right and some people even try it, but does it really work?
Dan :Like for real.
Sheila:Well, it's interesting because, you know, visualization has really ancient roots. It's something that's talked about in the Bible, it's been practiced for centuries in various spiritual, but now we actually have science to back it up, which is really fascinating.
Dan :See, that's what blows my mind. It's like we can actually see how it changes our brains. Yeah, absolutely so it's not just like this woo-woo feel-good thing, it actually like paves the road to success almost.
Sheila:Yeah, and that's a really good analogy because, you know, neuroscience has shown that when we visualize something repeatedly, our brains actually create neural pathways. So it is like paving a road in our brain. You know, the more we travel that road, the stronger and more accessible it becomes. And you know, one of the reasons for that is something called mirror neurons.
Dan :Oh, I've heard about those.
Sheila:Yeah, they fire both when we perform an action and when we observe someone else doing it. So when you vividly imagine yourself doing something, your brain actually interprets it as a real experience and it strengthens those connections, the neural connections that are associated with that action.
Dan :So it's like mental rehearsal.
Sheila:Exactly, yeah, mental rehearsal for your brain, and it's amazing, like the studies that have been done on this, you know, they've shown really remarkable effects. There was one study, for example, with basketball players and they found that players who spent time visualizing making free throws actually improved their accuracy on the court.
Dan :No way.
Sheila:Yeah, and it's not just like imagining tossing the ball, it's like visualizing the whole experience the arc of the ball, feeling of the swish through the net, even like the cheers of the crowd. Oh, wow. And they found that you know that actually translated to better performance in real life.
Dan :So cool. I actually use visualization, like sometimes before I have a big meeting or presentation, I'll picture myself like totally nailing it. Yeah, and it does. It helps calm my nerves, absolutely yeah. But what about those studies with, like, the cancer patients? That always just like blows me around?
Sheila:Those studies are so powerful. They found that patients who visualize their immune systems like really fighting back against the disease actually had higher levels of certain immune cells.
Dan :No way.
Sheila:Which suggests that our minds can actually influence our bodies, you know, on a really deep level, even a cellular level.
Dan :See, and that's what I think is so interesting about how Pastor Young talks about visualization.
Dan :Because it's not just like you know. I'm going to manifest a million dollars or I'm going to get that Right. It's more about, like, aligning with God's will.
Sheila:Yeah, it's about aligning ourselves with God's will, not about trying to, you know, force our own desires or outcomes. And it's, you know, instead of visualizing like specific things that we want, it's more about visualizing the person that we want to become, with God's grace.
Dan :Yeah, so it's not about like dictating the details, but more like deepening our trust in his plan.
Sheila:Absolutely yeah, just opening ourselves to the possibilities that God has for us.
Dan :It's just amazing, like the ancient wisdom and the modern science all kind of converging on this one thing.
Sheila:Yeah, it really makes you think, you know, if our minds are powerful enough to influence our physical and spiritual outcomes you know, how can we use that power responsibly, ethically? What kind of future can we visualize for ourselves, for our world, that's aligned with our values and with God's will?
Dan :That's something to ponder.
Dan :Well for everybody listening. I encourage you try out visualization in your own. You know spiritual practice. Yeah, see what happens when you combine it with your faith. And don't forget to check out that link in the description to connect with Pastor Young and get that free 30-day meditation journal yes, Until next time, keep on diving deep.
Sheila:All right, see, ya, see, ya.