Not Your Parents Religion
Hi, friends, I am your host, Pastor Robert Young, and welcome to Not Your Parents Religion Podcast. This podcast dives deep into the truths of faith and spirituality. In previous seasons, we focused on correcting misinformation about religious beliefs and practices, However, this new season brings a fresh perspective as we explore the power of Christian meditation.
With our 30+ years of Church planting and mentoring other Pastors, 30+ years of training leaders in evangelism/discipleship and a deeper connection with God, let me guide you through calming, reflective and transformative meditative practices inspired by scripture.
Through these moments of stillness and connection with God, we hope to help you deepen your faith and find inner peace.
Tune in each week as we lead you on a journey of spiritual exploration and renewal.
Not Your Parents Religion
Finding Security in God: Meditation from Psalms 37
Discover the path to inner peace and spiritual fulfillment with Pastor Robert Young in the transformative meditation experience, "Finding Security in God." Can you truly let go of control and trust in a divine plan greater than your own? This episode embarks on a four-part journey through Psalms 37, where Pastor Young guides us in exploring the profound teachings of trusting God amidst life's challenges. Through heartfelt recitations, calming breathing exercises, and muscle relaxation techniques, this meditation not only prepares your mind and body but also enriches your spiritual connection, inviting you to worship with genuine joy and gladness.
Pastor Young opens the door to a reflective exploration of Psalms 37:1-4, challenging us to trust in the Lord and find contentment through genuine acts of love. With guided reflection questions, consider if you're truly surrendering to God's plan or trying to steer your own destiny. Through this journey, you're reminded that no matter what life throws your way, finding joy in God can lead to true contentment. Listen daily to let the message saturate your soul and find peace knowing that the creator of the universe is always in control, caring for his children through every circumstance.
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Welcome to this week's Guided Christian Meditation. I am Pastor Robert Young and thank you for allowing me to be your guide on this journey. Today's meditation is entitled Finding Security in God. Our scripture is from Psalms, chapter 37, verses 1 through 40. Let's begin a four-part meditation series on Psalms 37. I believe that this passage speaks to us today.
Pastor Robert Young:Proper worship of God requires us to be completely involved and free from sin in mind, body and spirit. Let's prepare our hearts by asking God to forgive us of sin that might be in our lives, by reciting Psalms 51, verses 1 through 4, where it says have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness, according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out my transgressions, Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity and cleanse me from my sin, For I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before me.
Pastor Robert Young:Before we start to reflect on Psalms 37, verses 1 through 40, let's prepare our mind by closing our eyes and taking a deep breath, as we invite the presence of God to fill us. Now take a deep breath in for a count of seven. Hold the breath for a count of five and slowly exhale for a count of seven. Let's repeat. Take a deep breath in for a count of seven. Hold the breath for a count of five and slowly exhale for a count of seven.
Pastor Robert Young:Now let's prepare our body with muscle relaxation exercises. We will simply tense each muscle group for three seconds and then release the muscle. Remember, don't hold your breath for this portion of the meditation. Let's begin with the calves. Lightly tense the calf muscles for a count of three, now release. Moving upward to the hamstrings, quads and glutes, lightly tense for three seconds, now release. Moving to the abdominals, chest and back area, lightly tense for three seconds, now release. Finally, moving to the arms and shoulders, lightly tense these muscle groups for three seconds, now release.
Pastor Robert Young:Now we can enter into worship of our Heavenly Father by focusing on Psalms 100, verses 1-3, where it tells us to shout for joy to the Lord all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness, Come before Him with joyful songs. Take a moment to lift up your voice in praise and thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father, who is worthy of all honor and glory. Repeat Psalms 8, verse 9, which says Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth.
Pastor Robert Young:Now that we have prepared our mind, our bodies and our spirit, let's begin to examine Psalms 37, verses 1 through 4. It says Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong, For, like the grass, they will soon wither. Like green plants, they will soon die away. Trust in the Lord and do good. Dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Pastor Robert Young:This passage encourages us to not to worry or be distressed over the wicked or be envious of their evil ways prospering, but to instead trust in the Lord and do good. In times of uncertainty or when faced with challenges, it can be easy to become anxious or even depressed when we see these things. However, this passage reminds us that true contentment and fulfillment comes from trusting in God and finding joy in him. David, the writer of this psalm, is our example of someone who trusted in God and was given great joy.
Pastor Robert Young:Let's take three minutes to really reflect on the following questions. One, am I truly trusting in God's plan for my life or am I trying to control outcomes on my own? Two, in what areas of my life do I need to surrender my heart's desire to God? .
Pastor Robert Young:Repeat the following affirmation now and for the next seven days: good out of a genuine love for
Pastor Robert Young:Doing good brings me true contentment. Again, doing good out of a genuine love for God brings me true contentment. Picture yourself walking in total peace and
Pastor Robert Young:fulfillment despite what's going on in your world, and fulfillment despite what's going on circumstances, but picture yourself walking with Jesus in total peace in the midst of these life circumstances. Our assignment Listen to this meditation daily
Pastor Robert Young:until assignment, listen your soul. Rest assured that, no matter what happens in this world, God, the creator of the universe, is still in charge and ultimately controls everything, and he will take care of his children. In Jesus' name, amen, Thank you.